building better bones

Weight Bearing or Resistance Exercise: Which is Best for my Bones?


Weight Bearing or Resistance Exercise: Which is Best for my Bones? A weight bearing exercise, otherwise known as impact exercise, is one where you hold your body up against gravity, loading your joints and muscles.  Weight bearing exercise can be classified as low (i.e. walking, stair climbing), moderate (i.e. running, jumping,...

Have you been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis through bone density testing?

Upcoming Courses and Conferences

One Step Mobility, the Osteo-Circuit clinic at 2790 Bathurst Street Toronto, On , M6B 3A5 is providing a free lecture on Osteoporosis. Click here for more information.

Sleep well for your bones!

Bonny’s Building Better Bones Blog

Sleep well for your bones! A good night’s sleep is important for many reasons but did you know it is also important for your bones? A recent study published in Osteoporosis International revealed there is a relationship between how long you sleep and your risk of osteoporosis. There was a “U-shaped relationship”...