About Exercise and Osteoporosis:
10 Things to Know
1. Exercise is a key component of managing your osteoporosis. It is prescribed to:
- Affect bone mass and structure
- Prevent falls and fractures
- Prevent or reduce Hyperkyphosis
- Recover after a fracture
- Reach physical activity guidelines
2. Some exercises are right and some are risky if you have osteoporosis. Do not perform exercises:
- That cause your spine to flex forward or round (i.e. Sit-ups, crunches, bending forward to touch your toes)
- That cause you to move to the point of strain (i.e. exercises that are repeated, sustained, weighted, end-range, rapid/forceful or combine spinal flexion, rotation and side bending)
- That put your hip in a loaded and rotated position (as in some yoga positions)
3. Good posture is important in your exercise program as well as in your usual activities during the daytime.
4. If you have had a vertebral fracture, you should see a Physiotherapist for an assessment and prescription of your exercise program.
5. An osteoporosis exercise program involves weight-bearing, resistance, core, spinal strengthening, stretching and balance exercises.
6. An osteoporosis exercise program should be individualized to you, at the right intensity, with the right form and with the right progression.
7. 60% of yoga positions are contra-indicated if you have osteoporosis. Speak to your Physiotherapist about how to modify your yoga or Pilate’s program.
8. There are certain exercises that should be performed daily and some that should be performed two or three times per week.
9. There are many ways to “fit in bone fitness” in your everyday activities Build Bone Fitness Into Your Day
10. Exercise should be fun and become a happy and healthy habit!